
About CardTechie

I'm Josh Harrison, a full stack software engineer currently living in St. George, Utah. For over 20 years, I've been designing and creating software, primarily web-based.

CardTechie is an avatar I have created to document my journey to make the trading card better with software. I'll use this site to announce projects I am working on, causes I believe in, and general thoughts regarding the trading card industry.

I loved collecting cards as a young child into my early teenage years. I spent hours upon hours sorting and organizing cards. Back then, everything was manual, meaning nothing was computerized. If I wanted to buy cards, I had to go to the local card shop, occasionally get lucky at a retail location, or take advantage of hitting the card shops when I left town.

While attending college, I became a Software Engineer. I just happened to come across some websites where cards were being sold. Other collectors were starting to count their own experiences and creating their own blogs. As a tech enthusiast, the possibilities fascinated me just thinking about the opportunities that had changed in the card industry.

Around 2007, I started to think about what could be done that I actually started this same site. Life ended up getting in the way so I put my plans on hold for CardTechie 1.0.

But the bug never left me. About 4 years ago, I started putting together some tools to get started with what I had always wanted to do: create software for trading cards.

So here I am. I'm excited to get to know collectors around the world and find out how I can help them. I also want to give some of my ideas. Things are a lot different than they used to be. The tools and sites that are now available to collectors is taking the trading card industry to new heights. I hope to participate in that endeavor as well by sharing projects and other ideas.